Social call to actions work

Social call to actions work

E-commerce KPI comparison Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest traffic

E-commerce KPI comparison Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest traffic (Beautiful and useful infographic)

Some main points:

  • Visitors to ecommerce sites coming from Facebook view an average of 7 pgs / session vs. 4.1 Pinterest, 2.7 Twitter
  • Facebook traffic converts at 2.6% for ecommerce sites vs. 1.1% Twitter, 0.9% Pinterest
  • Ecommerce AOV from Pinterest referrals is $169 vs. $95 Facebook, $71 Twitter 
  • Revenue/visitor averages $2.50 for Facebook traffic, $1.6 for Pinterest, $0.80 for Twitter


Facebook marketing toolkit and ecosystem

Facebook marketing toolkit and ecosystem
Facebook marketing toolkit and ecosystem

(click to enlarge)

Opt-in’s: email is replaced by social media

Opt-in’s: email is replaced by social media

Partnering with TripAdvisor brings relevance and reliability to linked cardmembers’ customer reviews on the TripAdvisor site.

The majority of cardmembers who have linked their cards to their social media profiles previously opted out of email.

Currently trialling ‘Tweet to Buy’.


Social Login, E-Commerce and Conversion Rates

Social Login, E-Commerce and Conversion Rates

How Social Login Effects Ecommerce (Monetate Infographic)

  • 65% of all internet adults have an account  with one or more social networks
  • 40% percent of consumer prefer social login over creating a guest account
  • 100-300% increase in Time On Site from consumers who logged in with a Social Login instead of a ‘normal’ account
  • Almost 300% increase in Pageviews from consumers who logged in with a Social Login instead of a ‘normal’ account

Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q3 2013 (Janrain Infographic)

  • Facebook rules and Google+ is speeding up

UX reasons to use Social Login

  • user adoption
  • user friendly (they don’t have to complete a profile, it saves them time)
  • photo integration
  • e-mail contact details
  • spam reduction
  • invite friends or share with friends
  • 77% of Social Network users think websites should offer social login

Source, source2, Source3

Business reasons to use Social Login

  • Increase conversion rates (sign-ups as sales)
  • Social data into CRM
  • Personalization and onsite targeting
  • Opening up social commerce possibilities
  • Targeting social media ads
  • Several resources mention sign-up increase conversion rates between 20-70%


 Contrary opinions

Other (side) resources

A library of great Facebook marketing case studies

A library of great Facebook marketing case studies (


Promoted pins from Pinterest

Promoted pins from Pinterest (