Social intelligence infographic

Social intelligence infographic

Social sharing empowers online shopping

Social sharing empowers online shopping

  • 81 percent of consumers who purchase products they learn about through social sharing are valuable social sharers themselves;
  • 32 percent of visitors are more likely to shop on sites that display activities of previous shoppers, friends or not, and when friends’ shopping behavior is incorporated, that total jumps to 62 percent; and
  • 57 percent of shoppers are more likely to complete purchases on sites that display their friends’ shopping activity.


Stunning growth after Open Graph integration

Stunning growth after Open Graph integration

Music video platform Vevo had early success with its Timeline app, but growth has accelerated significantly since Vevo switched to Facebook-only login in March. Here are some key stats from Facebook:

  • 200 percent increase in daily registrations since the change to Facebook-only registration
  • 600 percent increase in published actions on Facebook from February to March
  • 130 percent increase in referrals from Facebook to VEVO from February to March
  • 60 percent of Facebook referral traffic comes from Open Graph stories