Earned media strategy- do you have one?

Earned media strategy- do you have one? Uhh… again… earned media? Yup… here’s more… And here some thoughts on Econsultancy… And of course.. it has a lot to do with inbound marketing… it’s getting an essential part of your online strategy… Take care!


How paid, owned, and earned are becoming one

How paid, owned, and earned are becoming one:

  • Earned (social) content has become mainstream. We’re past the point of experimentation. Nearly every industry requires mass deployment.
  • Facebook’s recent announcements clearly indicate earned content is now becoming paid, and owned content needs to be paid to achieve mass appeal within a Facebook page.
  • We’re starting to see the corporate social strategist cross the aisle to work with direct marketers. Advertising agencies are extending their budgets into the social world. Political and coordination issues will emerge as these once separate groups come together.
  • Brands that integrate paid, owned, and earned media will benefit because they will reach customers in the most effective manner.
  • Consumers don’t consciously differentiate between ads, corporate content, and what their friends say, but instead indiscriminately use a variety of content sources.

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Touchcode: QR without the code

Touchcode: QR without the code (video demo)


Idea Bounty – crowdsourcing concept development

Idea Bounty – crowdsourcing concept development


Open up: Brainstorming techniques

Brainstorming techniques… thinking out of the box… it is difficult… especially if you are always with the same group or same place or same culture or….. bwah! Open up… must of us think it’s fun and appealing if our creative mind is called upon and challenged… by a problem, situation, proposal or quest… I found this article with seven great ideas:

  1. Avoid groupthinking and just email them with the question at hand
  2. Find 10-12 entrepreneurs and give them the problem to solve
  3. Let them play like kids (with Lego e.g.)
  4. Always carry writing cards to write your ideas down
  5. Take a break (from the problem, newsstream, situation, etc etc)
  6. Get the descision makers in the room
  7. Take your team out of the office